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International Forms

Add Postcode Lookup to forms that support international addresses.


Because the Postcode Lookup service only provides UK data, the Postcode Lookup script will auto-hide the "Find" button when a country other than the UK is selected.

To use this functionality, just set the expectedCountry option to the value that must be selected in this drop-down list before the "Find" button is shown.

<select id="country">
  <option value="AF">Afghanistan</option>
  <option value="AX">Åland Islands</option>
  <option value="GB">United Kingdom</option>
  <option value="US">United States</option>
<script type="text/javascript">
 new data8.postcodeLookupButton(
    { element: 'company', field: 'organisation' },
    { element: 'address1', field: 'line1' },
    { element: 'address2', field: 'line2' },
    { element: 'address3', field: 'line3' },
    { element: 'city', field: 'town' },
    { element: 'county', field: 'county' },
    { element: 'postcode', field: 'postcode' },
    { element: 'country', field: 'country' }
    // Change this to your own Ajax key
    ajaxKey: 'your-ajax-key',
    // Change this to your postcode lookup license type
    license: 'WebClickFull',
    expectedCountry: 'GB'