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Here at Data8, both yours and your customer’s satisfaction is our top priority. It’s the reason we’ve been developing each of our services for the last 15 years, and why even now, at the forefront of our industry, we’ll never stop striving for perfection.

In today’s time-conscious and convenient-driven era, customers are not only on the lookout for the best buys, but also the quickest and simplest method of purchase.

That’s why we’ve been working hard to further advance our Predictive Address solution – and our latest update does not disappoint.

Featuring a number of new developments, our award-winning technology can now find and complete all address fields faster and easier than ever before, so your customers can enjoy an unmatched checkout experience.


So what’s different?

New country search bar

We’ve now added an additional search bar so you can quickly change the desired country, before searching for the required address. This new feature is designed to speed up and simplify the checkout process, requiring minimum time, keystrokes and scrolling from the customer.

Plus, results can be filtered by name or by ISO2 code, depending on your requirements


Enhanced Rendering

Our Predictive Address solution is now compatible with Bootstrap Modals, therefore boosting the quality of rendering across multiple devices for unsurpassed user experience.

Enhanced accessibility

We’ve also made a number of accessibility improvements and fixes to ensure the best whether you’re using a mouse or a keyboard.

How do I update it?

You don’t. It automatically updates, so you don’t need to do anything to start enjoying the latest features and advancements!


Address Validation - Try It For Yourself!

Our fuzzy logic means you can start at any point in the address such as the road name, misspelled or even try "four" instead of "4" as a house number!

Not sure what to type? Why not try:

This table shows the relative age and wealth of the local population compared to the country as a whole. A - F indicates the age (A being the youngest, F the oldest), and 1 - 4 indicates the wealth (1 being the wealthiest, 4 being the least wealthy).

  A B C D E F


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About the author

Beth Beggs