Global search is a feature in which you can run any number of rules at a single time across your system to quickly find existing rows using the data8 duplicare logic.
Enabling Rules for Global Search
Each dedupe+ rule contains a columns that says “Global Search Enabled”. If this is set to yes, the rule is included for all users using Global Search.
When you change or set this to “Yes” the ribbon of the matching table type will have a button added which looks like this if there isn’t already one there.
If setting the column to “Yes” requires that ribbon change, you will see an “Import Solution” system job appear which is importing that ribbon change. Once that solution has completed importing, perform a “Publish All Customizations” for the button to appear.
We also recommend adding the “data8 Lookup+” (data8_advancedlookup.index.html) web resource to your site map as a stand alone web resource for ease of use.
Configuring Mappings
Each column used across all of the global search enabled dedupe+ rules can be mapped for global search. To configure these mappings, navigate back to the configuration page of the solution and click the “Configure Global Search” button which will redirect you to the configuration page.
Search Mappings
To configure global search, you can create input columns for the form and map them to columns specified on the dedupe+ rule.
To add a new column entirely, click the “+ Add New Field” button. This will create a new row on your global search. You can also specific the type of the input – at the time of writing, this will not change any behaviour and is more for reference.
Once you have a column row, you can add a new mapping to that column by clicking “+ Add New Mapping”. Two drop down boxes will appear; one will contain a list of possible tables and one a list of the possible columns that can be mapped – note that changing the table can change the columns you have available as this is a dynamic list of columns. Only columns that do not have a current mapping will be listed – if you wish to re-map a column you’ll first have to remove the existing mapping.
Once you have built up your data mapping, click “Save Changes” and it will store that configuration for use throughout the system.
Results Mappings
By default, the global search results window will only include the columns included in the dedupe+ rule that generated a match. There are times when additional columns are required and these can be added in the results mapping section.
Start by clicking “+ Add New Results Column” which will generate a new row. Within this row you can enter the following:
Display Name:
This is the header of the column and is just for display purposes only.
Entity Name:
By design, global search can search across multiple tables so displaying the columns in the results can vary based on the type of the result. This column helps specify which specific table that the result is linked to and should contain the logical name of the table. If left blank, the system will try to use it for all the different result types.
Attribute Name:
This is the logical name of the column you wish to display on the global search results. If a table name is specified, it will only be used on that table.
Once you have entered your row of data, click the in line “Save”, before clicking the “Save Changes” at the top to persist all your changes.
Using Global Search
To use global search, either click the “Global Search” button that was added to the ribbon or open the web resource directly. A form should display which is using the configuration you have just made.
Input the data you wish to search for and click “Search”. This will work through all your global search enabled rules before listing your results.