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Get full credit & financial details for a company

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To connect to this service you'll need to use one of these endpoints:

Open API


Supply a company registration number to retrieve:

  • basic company information including name, address, SIC code
  • credit ratings (0-100 score, 100 is best)
  • recommended monthly credit limits
  • previous names
  • status history (summary of changes)
  • full financial details including balance sheet and P&L
  • director details
  • shareholder details
  • trading addresses
  • mortgage details

The exact details that are available will vary between companies as some have to report more details than others. Smaller companies will typically only report limited financial details.

Multiple credit ratings and limits may be returned. This reflects the change in these values over time. Each rating and limit has an associated date indicating the date on which that became the effective rating or limit. The one with the latest date should be treated as the currently effective value. This will be the first one in the list.

Credit Usage

Each request to this method consumes 1 BusinessInformation credit.


The following parameters can be supplied to this method



See the available authentication methods. If you are using username & password authentication, specify the username to authenticate as. If you are using API Key authentication and you are not using the JSON, Javascript or ADO APIs, use your API Key here with the prefix apikey-, e.g. apikey-ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678


If you are using username & password authentication, specify the password to use for authentication. Otherwise leave this blank.


The company registration number to retrieve the details for. If you do not have a company registration number available, us the [FindBusinesses] method to find it based on the company name or postcode



An array of options that control further details of how this method operates. See the Advanced Options section below for more information.

Advanced Options

The following options can be specified as part of the option parameter. Each option is specified as a key/value pair. The list of available names is shown below, along with a description of the allowable values for that name.

Common Options
Name Description


Gives the name of the calling application - used to break down usage by application in the usage reports on the dashboard
Address Formatting Options
There are a large number of options to control how the raw address details are combined & formatted for presentation. They are described in more detail with live interactive examples on the address formatting reference. A summary of the available options is also listed below.
Name Description


Pick from one of the available formatters to control how the raw address is converted into a human-readable address:
  • DefaultFormatter
  • PAFStandardFormatter
  • NoOrganisationFormatter


The number of lines to format the address over. An additional line will be included at the end of the results for the postcode


The maximum number of characters that can appear in each address line


true to ensure that the town and county are returned in the last two address lines, or false if they should appear in the first available line


Ensures the building name/number is always placed in the first line


Converts all text in the address except the town name to proper case


Converts the town name to proper case


Uses any available county to populate the formatted address, not just the postal county


Excludes the county, if any, from the formatted address


A string containing any punctuation characters to be removed from the formatted address
Service-Specific Options
Name Description


The 2-character code for the country the requested company is in


This method returns an object containing the following fields:



Indicates whether the method call was successful, or if some error occurred. If the Success field is true, the other results described below can be used to get the results of the method. If Success is false, some error occurred in calling the method, such as the authentication failed or the account is out of credits. The details of the error can be obtained from the ErrorMessage field, and any other results should be ignored


This contains a number of properties with the full details for the company:


This section contains the following properties:

Name Description
Number The company registration number
Name The registered name of the company
Telephone The main telephone number
Website The main domain name for the company. Note that this will not include a subdomain such as "www.", or an http:// or https:// prefix
Address The registered address for the company. This includes the raw PAF details of the address as well as a formatted version for display
SicCode The main SIC code
SicDescription The description for the SicCode
CompanyType A description of the type of company, e.g. "Private limited with Share Capital"
AnnualReturnDate The date of the last annual return
IncorporationDate The date of incorporation
AccountsFilingDate The date of the last filed accounts
LatestAccountsDate The date of the period covered by the last filed accounts `


Contains a list of credit ratings. Each entry in the list contains:

Name Description
Date The date from which the rating was active. The latest rating will be the first in the list
Score The credit score. A score of 100 is perfect. Negative numbers can also be used to indicate special conditions such as the company being in liquidation. Any negative number should be used as an indication not to offer the company credit terms


Contains a list of recommended credit limits. Each entry in the list contains:

Name Description
Date The date from which the limit was active. The latest credit limit will be the first in the list
MonthlyLimit The recommended maximum credit limit to offer the company


Contains a list of names the company has previously been registered as. Each entry in the list contains:

Name Description
Date The date on which the name changed from this Name
Name The previous name of the company


Contains a list of events that have occurred within the company, e.g. accounts being filed. Each entry in the list contains:

Name Description
Date The date of the event
Text A description of the event


Contains a list of financial information for recent accounting periods. Each entry in the list contains:

Name Description
Period The date range covered by this accounting period
ProfitAndLoss Contains the P&L values declared for this period
BalanceSheet Contains the balance sheet values declared for this period
CapitalReserves Contains capital reserve information for this period
Miscellaneous Contains additional information for this period
Ratios Contains common accounting ratios based on the other information for this period


Contains a list of directors of the company. Each entry in the list contains:

Name Description
Name The name of the director, split into individual fields
Address The address of the director. This may be their home or business address depending on how they have chosen to register with Companies House
BirthDate The date of birth of the director
Nationality The nationality of the director
Honours Any honourific that should be appended to the director's name
Directorships A list of all directorships, including this one, held by this director


Contains a list of known trading addresses for the company. Each entry in the list contains:

Name Description
Address The trading address of the company. This may be the same as the registered address
Telephone The telephone number for the company at this address


Contains a list of mortgages for the company. Each entry in the list contains:

Name Description
MortgageType The type of the mortgage
CreatedDate The date the mortgage was created
RegisteredDate The date the mortgage was registered
SatisfiedDate The date the mortgage was satisfied, if it has been
Status The current status of the mortgage
EntitledPersons A list of the people that have a claim on the mortgage
AmountSecured The value of the mortgage, where published
Details A text description of the mortgage


Provides an overview of the mortgages of the company, with the following properties:

Name Description
Outstanding The number of outstanding mortgages
Satisfied The number of satisfied mortgages


Contains a list of the shareholders of the company. Each entry in the list contains:

Name Description
Name The full name of the shareholder
Shares A description of the shares held. This free-text value is parsed where possible into the additional properties below
Currency The currency in which the shares are valued, derived from the Shares property
Title The title of the shareholder, derived from the Shares property
Forename The first name of the shareholder, derived from the Shares property
MiddleName The middle name(s) of the shareholder, derived from the Shares property
Surname The last name of the shareholder, derived from the Shares property
NameSuffix Any additional name information from the shareholder, derived from the Shares property
NumberOfShares The number of shares held, derived from the Shares property
Class The class of shares held, derived from the Shares property
Value The value of each share, derived from the Shares property


Provides an overview of shareholder information, with the following properties:

Name Description
ShareCapital The total value of shares


Provides a tree structure showing the hierarchy of companies within a group, starting with the top of the hierarchy.

Name Description
CompanyName The name of the company
CompanyNumber The company registration number
LatestAnnualAccounts The date of the latest accounts for the company
Rating The latest credit rating for the company
Limit The latest credit limit the company
OwnedCompanies A list of companies owned by this company, in this same structure


Provides estimates of key information where it is not declared, or the actual values where it is declared. Contains the following properties:

Name Description
Employees The estimated or actual number of employees in the company
Turnover The estimated or actual turnover of the company

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Name Value
Common Options
Address Formatting Options
Service-Specific Options

Sample Code