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Cleanse a business address

Live Demo

This service is hosted in multiple countries. Select your preferred country to see the appropriate endpoint URLs.

Changing the hosting country does not affect the data returned by the service. However you may wish to select a particular country based on your data residency requirements or network latency.
Open API


Formats, verifies and corrects a given address into a full business address.

Non-UK addresses are also handled and produce a MatchLevel in the result of NOK_Foreign. See the options below to control how international addresses are handled.

Credit Usage

Each request to this method consumes 1 Postcoder credit.


The following parameters can be supplied to this method



See the available authentication methods. If you are using username & password authentication, specify the username to authenticate as. If you are using API Key authentication and you are not using the JSON, Javascript or ADO APIs, use your API Key here with the prefix apikey-, e.g. apikey-ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678


If you are using username & password authentication, specify the password to use for authentication. Otherwise leave this blank.


The name of the company at the address



The address to clean. The best results will be obtained when individual parts of the address are supplied on separate lines or separated within a line by commas, but the service will make best attempts to match data supplied in any format.



An array of options that control further details of how this method operates. See the Advanced Options section below for more information.

Advanced Options

The following options can be specified as part of the option parameter. Each option is specified as a key/value pair. The list of available names is shown below, along with a description of the allowable values for that name.

Common Options
Name Description


Gives the name of the calling application - used to break down usage by application in the usage reports on the dashboard
Service-Specific Options
Name Description


An ISO 2-character code for the country to assume the address is in unless otherwise specified.



Set to true to attempt to automatically detect the country from the provided address information, possibly overriding the default country



If DetectCountry is set to true, this is taken as additional user input alongside the address to influence the country detection function. The format of this is not enforced, so could be provided as US, USA or United States



Includes the CountryISO2 field in the raw address result and the CountryName field in the main part of the result


This method returns an object containing the following fields:



Indicates whether the method call was successful, or if some error occurred. If the Success field is true, the other results described below can be used to get the results of the method. If Success is false, some error occurred in calling the method, such as the authentication failed or the account is out of credits. The details of the error can be obtained from the ErrorMessage field, and any other results should be ignored


Contains the formatted version of the requested address in the Address field, and a structured version of the address in the RawAddress field



Indicates how well the supplied address matched to PAF. Possible values are:

  • OK_Unchanged - the supplied address matched to PAF without requiring any changes
  • OK_Corrected - the supplied address matched to PAF but required some corrections to do so
  • NOK_Building - the supplied address could not be matched to a unique address on PAF, but did match to a unique building. More information would be needed to identify a single address within that building. This usually indicates either a commercial building for which an organisation name is required to identify the individual company in it, or an apartment building but no flat or apartment number has been supplied
  • NOK_Street - the supplied address could not be matched to a unique address on PAF, but did match to a street. If building information has been supplied it does not match to that on PAF or is ambiguous between two or more different buildings.
  • NOK_Town - the supplied address could not be matched to a unique address on PAF. Only the town name could be matched - the street and building information did not match or was ambiguous.
  • NOK_NoMatch - the supplied address could not be matched at all to PAF.
  • NOK_Foreign - the address appears to be non-UK and therefore has not been matched to PAF.


The name of the country the address is in. This is only populated when the IncludeCountry option is set to true

Live Demo



Sorry, this parameter type is not currently supported in Live Demo
Name Value
Common Options
Service-Specific Options

Sample Code