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Validate a UK landline number

Live Demo

To connect to this service you'll need to use one of these endpoints:

Open API


Checks a UK landline number for validity.

This service is not appropriate if you need to validate any number other than a UK landline number. If you need to validate mobile numbers or international numbers, you should consider the use of the PhoneValidation service.

This service is deprecated in favour of the PhoneValidation service. This service will remain operational for the foreseeable future, but the PhoneValidation service should be used for all new development.

Credit Usage

Each request to this method consumes 1 TelephoneLineValidation credit.


The following parameters can be supplied to this method



See the available authentication methods. If you are using username & password authentication, specify the username to authenticate as. If you are using API Key authentication and you are not using the JSON, Javascript or ADO APIs, use your API Key here with the prefix apikey-, e.g. apikey-ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678


If you are using username & password authentication, specify the password to use for authentication. Otherwise leave this blank.


The telephone number to validate



An array of options that control further details of how this method operates. See the Advanced Options section below for more information.

Advanced Options

The following options can be specified as part of the option parameter. Each option is specified as a key/value pair. The list of available names is shown below, along with a description of the allowable values for that name.

Common Options
Name Description


Gives the name of the calling application - used to break down usage by application in the usage reports on the dashboard
Service-Specific Options
Name Description


Indicates if any extra digits beyond those needed to dial the number should be ignored. With this option turned on, 015135545550 would be returned as valid even though the number is really 01513554555 without the trailing 0, otherwise it would be invalid.



An optional comma-separated list of telephone number prefixes that are allowed. If this option is specified, any telephone number that does not match one of these prefixes is automatically flagged as invalid. These numbers must be specified in international format.



An optional comma-separated list of telephone number prefixes that are not allowed. If this option is specified, any telephone number that matches one of these prefixes will automatically be flagged as invalid. These prefixes must be specified in international format.



If set to true then the service will use MobileValidation on any number it recognises as a mobile number and TelephoneLineValidation on all other numbers. Please ensure you have MobileValidation credits available before using this option. The option defaults to false.


This method returns an object containing the following fields:



Indicates whether the method call was successful, or if some error occurred. If the Success field is true, the other results described below can be used to get the results of the method. If Success is false, some error occurred in calling the method, such as the authentication failed or the account is out of credits. The details of the error can be obtained from the ErrorMessage field, and any other results should be ignored


One of the following options to indicate the validity of the supplied number:

Code Description
Valid The number appears to be valid
Ambiguous It is not possible to tell from the details returned from the telephone network whether or not the number is valid
Invalid The number appears to be invalid
TemporaryInvalid There was a problem contacting the number, but of a type that is expected to be temporary (e.g. congestion in the telephone network)
Unknown The telephone network returned a status code that our service did not understand
Error There was some problem contacting the telephone network
TimedOut A timeout error occurred while waiting for the telephone network to respond
NumberChanged The number is invalid, but calling the number may give a pre-recorded message indicating the new number that should be used instead

Live Demo

Name Value
Common Options
Service-Specific Options

Sample Code