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Provides demographic information for matching records.


Records are checked against the Sonar demographics file provided by TRAC - The Research & Analysis Consultancy.

This service is costed on a per lookup basis.

This service requires the following data to be available before it can be used:


Upload Options

There are no options that can be configured for this service at the upload stage.

Download Options

There are no options that can be configured for this service at the download stage.

Output Columns

This service adds the following columns to your output data.

Sonar Code

Sonar Code

The code from the Sonar file for the address that the input record has matched to.

The code outlines the demographic most likely to exist at the postcode provided, the code is a combination of a Lifestage and a Wealth Quartile.



Name of the demographic group linked to the Sonar code.

Percentage Of Households

Percentage Of Households

Percentage of households with this code.



One of the following demographic lifestage codes:

  • A = Young singles
  • B = Young families
  • C = Families
  • D = Mature families
  • E = Empty Nesters
  • F = Retired
Wealth Quartile

Wealth Quartile

One of the following demographic wealth quartiles:

  • 1 = Affluent
  • 2 = Comfortable
  • 3 = Less Comfortable
  • 4 = Struggling
Wealth Ranking

Wealth Ranking

Demographic wealth ranking.



Full description for the demographic code.