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Data Cleansing Service Reference

Technical documentation for each of our data cleansing services is listed below. These services are available either through our self-service Data8Online portal or via a manual or automated process in coordination with our bureau team.

Business Goneaway

Identifies business records that match to business goneaway sources.

Business Mover

Identifies business records that match to business mover sources.

Business Telephone Number Append

Appends telephone numbers where a match has been made to the OSIS file.

Business Universe Telephone Numbers

Appends telephone numbers where a match has been made to the source files.


Provides additional details for the matched company.

Country Detection

Detect a country from an address


Identifies records that match to deceased sources.


Identify duplicate records within the data.

Demographic Profiling

Provides demographic information for matching records.

Email Validation

Verifies if an email address is valid.

ER Profile Append

Appends additional details for the matched residency in the data provided.


Identifies people who match to the goneaway suppression sources.

Key Contact Details

Appended contact details for the matched company.

Mailing File

Produces a standard format output file.


Identifies records that match to mover sources.


Identifies records that match to the MPS source file.

Name Cleansing

Cleanse a given name and identify gender.

Occupier Update (New Name Append)

Appends additional names at the matched address.

PAF Cleansing

Matches the address provided to the PAF.

Residency Verification

Matches a name and address to the residency verification source file.

Telephone Validation

Verifies if a telephone number passes validation checks.


Identifies people and businesses who match to the TPS or CTPS sources.

Turnover & Employee Bands

Appended turnover & employee bands for the matched company.

Unusable Records

Matches the name provided to a file of salacious names.