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Residency Verification

Matches a name and address to the residency verification source file.


Residency Verification attempts to match the name and address on your record to the DBS Lifebase file which is an edited version of the electoral roll.

This service is costed on a per lookup basis.

This service requires the following data to be available before it can be used:

Person Name

Upload Options

There are no options that can be configured for this service at the upload stage.

Download Options

The following options can be configured for this service at the download stage.

Match Level

Match Level

Set this to indicate how closely names need to match for a record to be considered a match by this service.

  • Surname allows two completely different forenames to match so long as they have a fuzzy match on the surname
  • Initial requires a fuzzy match on both the surname and forename, allowing single initials to match. For example, "R Smith" would be allowed to match "Robert Smith", but "Richard Smith" and "Robert Smith" would not be considered a match.
  • Forename requires a fuzzy match on both the surname and forename, and single initials are not allowed to match.
  • Personal intelligently picks the highest match level available based on your data. If a record does not contain any forename information then a Surname match will be allowed, but if forename data is present then at least an Initial level match will be required.

Output Columns

This service adds the following columns to your output data.

RV Flag

RV Flag

Flag to indicate whether the residency has been verified at the level specified. "RV" if verified or blank if not verified.